Prospective students

It is never too early to start thinking about your career

USW Careers can help you make effective career choices and enhance your employment prospects.  We offer a wide range of services to University of South Wales students including job and work experience opportunities and practical help with job hunting.

What job suit me – find out what jobs suit you by matching your interests, personality and motivations.

Options with your subject – discover how best to use your degree.

Subject related links – useful career and employer websites that are of direct relevance to a specific subject.

Help for international students – information on working in the UK during and after your studies.

What do graduates do? provides information on the progression routes of graduates 6 months after graduation which includes a subject breakdown of destination data.  This data is also available the University website as every course has 'Key Information Sets’ which include the type of employment our graduates undertake.

Student Money Service is the place to find funding information, including bursaries and scholarships.

Your first point of call is the University’s website for details of the courses available, how to apply for them and more on student life. If you are applying for a full time degree course you will find further information about how to apply on Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) website

Contact Us

For further advice prospective University of South Wales students can book an appointment to speak to a Careers Advisor at any time of the year.  Telephone appointments are available, email [email protected] with your name and a brief description of your query and we will arrange a time. 

Also Careers Wales and the National Careers Service in England offer free careers advice and support for adults.